Creation Ideas

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Revision as of 03:44, 5 October 2020 by Brian Griffen (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{CatUp|Player Created}} Any idea you may have had about a contraption or model that you don't know exactly how to make, or just don't feel like it. Follow the template below:...")
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Any idea you may have had about a contraption or model that you don't know exactly how to make, or just don't feel like it. Follow the template below:

NOTE: If your idea is a model, see the section at the bottom of the page.

Physical Ideas

These aren't JUST scripts.

Use this template:

  • Name: A name you thought up
  • Type: What kind of a thing is it?
  • Description: And it better be specific. We need to know EXACTLY what it would do, or what it would look like.
  • Drawings: (Optional) If you have any. It would help to make a GOOD LOOKING AND USEFUL drawing of what you are trying to make. We aren't all telepathic.
  • Idea By: (Optional)

Lua Scripts

Any idea that have to do with Lua in it should be posted here. If you already have to code, and your idea doesn't involve models, please post it on the Full Codes page.


  • Name: The name of the contraption/code
  • Type: What kind of a code? For a car, a healing potion, what?
  • Description: Be specific. Tell us exactly what it is supposed to do, and what kind of a model it needs to be in.
  • Code snippits: Post the code. Or part of the code.
  • Idea By: (Optional) Put your name here.